VirtuAule Speak Menu

This tutorial will help the student to understand the principle and procedure of the VirtuAule Speak course.

The first part has two introductory pages:

What is ‘VirtuAule Speak’?

How do I use ‘VirtuAule Speak’?

The second part outlines the structure of the course and procedures with some principles about phonetics.

VirtuAule Speak Course Design

Preparation Step 1

Listen while Reading then Repeat

More about Phonetics

Preparation Step 2

There is also a part that outlines the procedure of ‘Grammar and Drills’

Grammar and Drills

The last part gives information about the meeting with the teacher and progressing through the course.

The Teacher in VirtuAule Speak

Progressing through the Units

You can use the fixed menu on the left or the navigation buttons at the bottom of the page to navigate through the course.

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