IELTS Listening Exam 2 Section 2

SECTION 2 Questions 13 - 24

Questions 13 - 18
Complete the calendar while you listen to the recording. Use words from the box. There are more words in the box than you need. Some words may be used more than once.

cleaner  dry-cleaner lift
garbage charity gardener
filters library electricity 
stove paper water


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
17 18 19
(16.) ________
20 21 22
(13.) ________
24 25
(17.) ________
26 27  28 29
(14.) ________
(18.) ________
1 2 3 4

(15.) ________

Questions 18 - 20
Complete the sentences below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

18. To show you are an official visitor, you have to wear the ____________ provided.
19 Cars blocking paths could prevent access by __________ in an emergency.
20. To reclaim items from storage, you must show your ________ .

Questions 19-24
Choose the appropriate letter A-D.

19. Where has Martha gone?

A London
B Sydney
C New York
D Paris

20. Why is Martha away from home?

A She's visiting friends
B She's at a conference
C She's on business
D She's setting up a business

21. Who will Martha meet while she's away?

A an old school friend
B a friend of her mother's
C an old university friend
D an old teacher

22. What has Martha left for John?

A a letter
B a meal
C a book
D a bill

23. Who does Martha want John to telephone?

A the optometrist
B the telephone company
C the doctor
D the dentist

24. What is the code for Martha's alarm system?

A enter 2190
B 2190 enter
C 9120 enter
D enter 9120

Section 2
Questions 13-24

13. garbage
14. garbage
15. garbage
16. paper
17. charity
18. filters
19. A
20. B
21. D
22. B
23. D
24. C
Section 2.
You are going to hear a tape recording of instructions and advice which a woman called Martha has left for her friend John who is coming to stay at her house and take care of it while she is away. First look at questions thirteen to eighteen. As you listen to the first part of the talk answer questions thirteen to eighteen.

Hello John. Welcome to the house. I'm really pleased that you can be here to look after my house while I'm away. Here are some things you need to know about the house: important stuff like when the garbage is collected. In fact, let's start with the garbage which is collected on Friday. Just write ‘garbage’ on the calendar on the days they take it away. Put it out on Friday every week, that will be Friday twenty second, Friday twenty nine and Friday fifth. It's a really good service. The trucks are quiet and the service is efficient. The bin will be put back outside the house empty. It's a good idea to put it away quickly. This street can be quite windy. I once watched my next door neighbour chase her bin the whole length of the street. Every time she nearly caught up with it, it got away again. The waste paper will be collected this Tuesday. That's Tuesday nineteenth. There's a plastic box full of paper in the front room. Please put it out on Tuesday. The truck will come during the day. If you don't mind collecting old newspapers and other paper and putting them in the box, I'll put it out when I come home. The paper people only come monthly. I have some things to give to charity in a box in the front room. Would you put it out on Monday the twenty fifth please? It's a box of old clothes and some bed linen which I've collected plus a few other bits and pieces. Be careful when you pick it up because it's heavier than you might expect. The charity truck will come by during the day on the last Monday of the month. If you want to use the library you'll find it on Darling street. I've left my borrower’s card near the telephone. It has a very good local reference section if you want to find out more about this city. I'm sorry to say we don't have a cleaner. Yes filters! Please would you change the filters on the washing machine on the last day of the month which is Sunday the thirty first. We find that the machine works much better if we change the filters regularly. The gas company reads the metre outside the house so don't worry about that. I think that's all the information about our calendar of events. 

Now look at questions nineteen to twenty four. Choose the correct answer. 

Well John, I'm trying to think what else I should be telling you. As you know I'm going to a conference in London. I hope to have a little time to look around. It's a great city. I do hope I manage to get to at least some of the theatres and museums. I'm looking forward to all the things I have to do at the conference, too. I'm giving a paper on Tuesday the twenty six and there are a couple of really exciting events planned later in the conference programme. I hope to meet up with an old teacher of mine at the conference. She taught English literature at my old high school. We've kept in touch through letters over the years. She teaches now at the University of Durham and I'm really looking forward to seeing her again. By the way I expect you're hungry after your trip. I've left a meal in the refrigerator for you. I hope you like cheese and onion pie. Would you do me a favour please? I haven't had time to cancel an appointment. It was made a long time ago and I forgot about it until this morning. It's with my dentist for a checkup on Thursday the twenty eight. Could you please call the dentist on 8162525 (eight one six two five two five) and cancel the appointment for me thanks a lot John. One last thing when you leave the house make sure the windows and doors shut and set the burglar alarm. The alarm code number is nine one two zero enter. Have fun. I’ll see when I get back this is your friend Martha saying goodbye.
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