MEDICAL ENGLISH Listening Activity 5

Patient Interview Notes 4: Asking about systems with FUO checklist

In this extract you will hear a physician interviewing a patient who has been admitted to hospital suffering from FUO (fever of unknown origin). The physician suspects TB. She has already asked about family history, etc. The following form is part of a FUO checklist. 

Part 1: Listen and tick (x) each point covered in the interview.

Part 2: Now listen again to indicate the order in which the points are covered by writing a number in the correct box. The first one (duration) is marked for you in the FEVER column.

 ☐ malaise   ☐ duration 1  ☐head  ☐ rash   ☐ dyspnoea   ☐ diarrhoea   ☐ cough   ☐ disuria   ☐ vision
  ☐ weakness   ☐ frequency  ☐ teeth  ☐ pruritis  ☐ palpitations  ☐ melaena   ☐ coryza  ☐ frequency   ☐ photophobia
 ☐ weight loss  ☐ time  ☐ eyes  ☐ bruising  ☐ ht irregularity    ☐ sore throat  ☐ strangury  ☐ backouts
 ☐ drowsiness  ☐ chills  ☐ abdomen        ☐ dyspnoea  ☐ discolouration  ☐ diplopia
 ☐ delirium  ☐ sweats  ☐ chest        ☐ pleuritic pain    
 ☐ anorexia  ☐ night sweats  ☐ neck        ☐ sputum    
 ☐ vomiting  ☐ rigor  ☐ loin        ☐ haemoptysis    
 ☐ photophobia    ☐ back            
     ☐ pubic            
     ☐ muscles            
     ☐ joints            
     ☐ bones            

DOCTOR: And how long. how long have you had this temperature!
PATIENT: Oh, I don' t know exactly. About two months on and off.
DOCTOR: And docs, is the temperature there all the time or does it come on at any particular time?
PATIENT: Well, sometimes I'm all right during the day but, I wake up at night and I'm drenched in sweat. drenched, and sometimes my whole body shakes and ...
DOCTOR: And how have you been feeling in general?
PATIENT: Well, I don't know, I've been feeling a bit tired, a bit tired and weak. And I just don't seem to have any energy.
DOCTOR: And have you noticed any, any pain in your muscles?
PATIENT: Yes, well, actually I have a bit. yes.
DOCTOR: And what about your weight? Have you lost any weight?
PATIENT: Yes, yes, I have. about a stone.
DOCTOR: I see, and what about your appetite? What's your appetite been like?
PATIENT: Well, I've really been off my food this last while. I just haven't felt like eating.
DOCTOR: And have you had a cough at all?
PATIENT: Oh yes, I have. Nearly all the time. I sometimes bring up a lot of phlegm.
DOCTOR: And is there, have you noticed any blood in it?
PATIENT: No, not always but yes, sometimes.
DOCTOR: Have you had any pains in your chest?
PATIENT: Only if I take a deep breath.

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