IELTS Listening Exam 1 Section 2

SECTION 2 Questions 11 - 20

Questions 11 - 17
Label the plan of the rock festival site below.
Choose SEVEN answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-I, next to questions 11 -1 7.

A art exhibition
B band entrance
C car park
D craft fair
E exhibitors' entrance
F fringe stage
G lock-up garages
H main stage
I restaurant
Questions 18 - 20
Complete the sentences below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

18. To show you are an official visitor, you have to wear the ____________ provided.
19 Cars blocking paths could prevent access by __________ in an emergency.
20. To reclaim items from storage, you must show your ________ .
Section 2

11. D
12. F
13. I 
14. B 
15. E 
16. A 
17. G 
18. arm band 
19. an ambulance/ambulances 
20. yellow ticket(s)
You will hear the organiser of a rock festival talking to the
exhibitors and performers at a planning meeting.

Good evening, everyone!
I'm glad you could all make this planning meeting for what
promises to be the biggest and most colourful free rock festival
ever held in the south-east! So whether you're a performer, a
craft exhibitor or an artist, we all extend a big welcome to you.
Could we turn first to the plan so I can familiarise you with the
layout of the site - which as you know is an old football stadium
- we're really lucky to have so much space this year. You can
see the main gate at the bottom of the plan - have you found it?
- that's where most visitors will enter. It's also the entrance for
those taking part in the craft fair: we've set the stalls just inside
the gate on the left, in a circle.
If you walk straight ahead from the gate along the path without
turning right, you' ll come to some steps up to the football
stadium. On the left of the steps is the Fringe Stage. This is for 
alternative artistes - they include folk singers, poets and other
acts which are more suited to a smaller stage - and they should
also enter by the main gate. On the opposite side of the steps
is a restaurant, and adjoining that is the main festival information
point. Here you can get extra programmes and up-to-the-minute
information about events, and you can discuss any last-minute
problems - although we hope everything will be running
smoothly when the festival opens.
Right, coming back to the plan, you go up the stairs to the
stadium. The entrance for the rock bands is on the far side,
and on your right is the main stage, which will have powerful
illumination and amplification throughout the weekend. There will
probably be TV vehicles adjacent - that's in this area only - for
recording purposes.
If you look at the outside of the plan, you can see a third gate
for exhibitors opening onto a side path. A little way down the
path, before you get to the trees, is the building where the Art
Exhibition's being housed. Then finally there's just one more
building marked on your plan - quite near the main gate. It's
divided into lock-up garages. So I hope you now feel quite
familiar with the main festival area.
We also hope that you'll have received your welcome pack. In
it, you should find two parking tickets for yourself and anyone
assisting you, an arm band to indicate that you are an official
visitor, one of our brilliant yellow badges with the new festival
logo, a festival programme, and several sheets of information
that we'd ask you to study carefully before the event.
Please could you note that all setting up of stalls, displays and
so on should be completed by 9.30 a.m. and that unfortunately
we won't be able to allow any vehicles to enter the festival area
after that time. Yes, it's a big site - but even a few vehicles
parked in the wrong place can block the paths. With crowds
of people - and we are expecting several thousand - this can
merely be a nuisance; but if there's an emergency and access
for an ambulance is blocked, the situation will become not just
annoying but also dangerous. And don't forget it could be your
mother or your child who needs help.
Several exhibitors and craftspeople have asked us if any
provision can be made for overnight storage of tables, chairs and
display items rather than having to take them home and bring
them again. We're pleased to say that a limited amount of space
has been made available in the building near the main gate. You'll
be issued with a yellow ticket to reclaim your property - similar
to the red parking tickets, so do check you bring the right one! -
but please understand that this is entirely at your own risk as we
can take no responsibility for items lost or damaged.
I think that's all I have to say at this point but thank you all for
your attention!
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