IELTS Listening Intro 1

IELTS Listening Practice: Introduction Exercise 1

Listen to the recording to practice this study group.
Questions 1-6
Instructions: Answer the questions below. You may need a piece of paper and something to write with.

Exercise 1 - Will and Emma


1. What type of party are they organising? ______________ .

2. What activity does Will think costs too much? ______________  .

3. How many people will be coming to the party? ______________  .

4. How many chairs does Will have at his kitchen table? ______________  .

5. How much did Will's brother pay for attending last year's party? ______________  .

6. What venue do they select? ______________  .

IELTS Listening Intro 1
1. graduation
2. bowling
3. 12, twelve
4. 6, six
5. £30, thirty pounds, £30.00
6. Emily's house

EMMA: Hi, Will? It's Emma. We ought to come up with an idea for the graduation party. It's only a month away.
WILL: Goodness, that soon! What do we need to do?
EMMA: Umm, we have to decide on the type of party. We could have a meal. Everyone likes a proper dinner. Or we could have the party at someone's house. Or we could do an activity, like bowling.
WILL: I hate bowling. It's expensive, and anyway, it's not connected with graduation or anything.
EMMA: Right. So we won't go bowling.
WILL: If we have a graduation dinner, would we cook it ourselves, or go to a restaurant?
EMMA: Do you want to cook a dinner for twelve people?
WILL: My kitchen isn't big enough! My table has only six chairs.
EMMA: Okay, then. We can see about getting a booking at a restaurant, but a lot of students will be having their graduation parties in the next few weeks. It will be tough to get a booking.
WILL: It will probably be expensive. Last year, my brother paid thirty pounds per person!
EMMA: Well, why don't we look at having the party at someone else's house? I know some of our class have quite big houses that are not far from college. Let's think. Peter's house is huge, and he has a big garden - I'm sure he'd be able to host it.
WILL: Hang on. What about Emily? Her family have got a huge terrace with a barbecue and a pool.
EMMA: Great! That's an excellent idea. We can all bring some food and drink.
WILL: Brilliant. Let's give her a call now. That's graduation sorted, then.

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