IELTS Listening Intro 3

IELTS Listening Practice: Introduction Exercise 3

Now listen to Track 3 and answer questions 1-4.
Questions 1-4
Instructions: Complete the form below. You may need a piece of paper and something to write with.

Exercise 3 - IT department (part 1)


Reason for call Problem accessing 1. _____________
Name of society Rugby Club
Position of officer reporting the problem 2._____________
Name of officer (first name and surname) 3._____________ Singh
Nature of the problem 4._____________
Sometimes one listening track will have two different types of questions.
In this case, the recording will stop and you will be given another 30 seconds to look at the next set of questions. 
for this practice exam, just click on Track 5 and answer questions 5 - 10.

Exercise 3 - IT department (part 2)

Choose the correct answer: A, B or C.
Questions 5-10

The error was due to the student misunderstanding what number?

    A one
    B six
    C zero

6. What does the student initially suggest as a new password?

    A offside
    B tackle
    C tap kick

7. What special symbol does the student include in the new password?

    A asterisk
    B dollar sign
    C question mark

8. The longest video they would like to put on the website is

    A less than a minute.
    B under three minutes.
    C more than three minutes.

9. The maximum size for a video posted to a university website is

    A 15 MB
    B 50 MB
    C 15 GB

10. In international rugby, the student supports

    A Chile.
    B England.
    C Fiji.




IELTS Listening Intro 3
Part 1
1. email [account]
2. vice-president / vice president
3. Rakesh
4. wrong password
Part 2
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. C

IT WORKER: You're through to Victoria University IT department. How may I help?
STUDENT: Yes, I've been locked out of my email account. Can you help?
IT WORKER: Are you a student or an employee?
STUDENT: Both. I work at the University Union. In the cafe.
IT WORKER: All right. W hich email account is giving you trouble? Is it your personal account?
STUDENT: Actually, it's for a society.
IT WORKER: A society. Right. Which society is it, then?
STUDENT: It's the Rugby Club. I'm the vice-president.
IT WORKER: That's good, because I can only give information on the account to one of the officers of the society. Let me see. (pause) Could you confirm your name?
STUDENT: Rakesh Singh.
IT WORKER: How do you spell that?
IT WORKER: I mean the last name? Is it just 'Sing,' as in 'Sing a song of sixpence'?
STUDENT: No, it's sing with an H on the end.
IT WORKER: Oh, right. That's what I thought. They have your name spelt incorrectly in the system.
STUDENT: Oh, dear. Will that be a problem?
IT WORKER: I can fix it. What exactly was the trouble you were having with the Rugby Club email account?
STUDENT: Well, I was trying to log in just now, and it said I had the wrong password.
IT WORKER: That's not good.

Part 2 Track 4
IT WORKER: What password were you using?
STUDENT: Offside, with an exclamation mark at the end.
IT WORKER: Offside, starting with an O?
STUDENT: That's the password I was given. I was just elected to be an officer of the club.
IT WORKER: Good for you! Unfortunately, that's not the password we have in the system. It's offside with an exclamation mark at the end, but it starts with a naught instead of an 0.
STUDENT: A naught?
IT WORKER: A zero?
STUDENT: Oh. Okay. Yeah, I can see that it could be an O or a zero.
IT WORKER: Don't worry. It happens all the time. We can reset your password now.
STUDENT: Great. Hmm. (pause) Can we make it tackle?
IT WORKER: I see what you did there. Tackle is a great starting point, but you 're forgetting the university policy on passwords. To be secure, a password must include at least one number, and at least one special symbol, such as a question mark or a dollar sign.
STUDENT: Okay, okay. What if we make it tackle, but with an asterisk instead of a K, and a one instead of the L?
IT WORKER: Umm, right. So the new password is T-A-C-asterisk-one-E?
STUDENT: Will that do?
IT WORKER: It's all changed in our system. You'll want to be sure to write it down.
STUDENT: I'm making a note of it now ... (pause) By the way, would you be the ones to help if we were having trouble with the club's website?
IT WORKER: That's right. What's the issue with the website?
STUDENT: Well, it's not a problem, exactly. We've got some photos from some of our matches, and a few clips that we've filmed ... Is it possible to put these on the website?
IT WORKER: Of course! That's a great way to show what the club has been up to. (pause) How long are these films?
STUDENT: They're not films. Just some short videos from practice, and some key moments from our matches. I think the longest video is maybe three minutes? A bit less than that.
IT WORKER: You'll want to compress the videos before posting, as there are size limits. The university will not allow videos that are more than fifty MB on our websites.
STUDENT: Fifty MB? That's not very much.
IT WORKER: It doesn't sound like a lot. But you shouldn't have a problem with a video that's three minutes or less. I'd say that you could probably even shoot the video in high definition, and once it's compressed, it should fit within the size limits. (pause) I suppose you follow international rugby?
STUDENT: Doesn't everyone?
IT WORKER: Who do you support?
STUDENT: Fiji. I think we might have a chance in the next World Cup. How about you?
IT WORKER: England, of course.

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