MEDICAL ENGLISH Listening Activity 6

Patient Interview notes 5

Part 1: You will hear a discussion between a general practitioner and a consultant Complete the case notes below.

SURNAME: ____________
FIRST NAME: ____________
AGE: _______
SEX: _______
MARITAL STATUS: __________ 
OCCUPATION: _____________
PRESENT COMPLAINT: ___________________________________________________

IMMEDIATE PAST HISTORY __________________________________________________

Part 2: This is a transcript of the conversation between the two doctors. Try to complete the consultant's questions. Then check your answers by listening to the recording. 

GP: Hello, Jim. I wonder if you could see a patient for me? 
CONSULTANT: Certainly, John.  (1.) _____________________ the story? 
GP: Well, it's a Mr Alan Jameson, a 53-year-old carpenter. He's been an infrequent attender in the past, but he came to see me this morning complaining of pain in his right leg and in his back.
CONSULTANT: And (2.) ________ this start? 
GP: Well, it came on about six weeks ago and it's become gradually more severe over the past couple of weeks.
CONSULTANT: (3.) __________ the pain localised? 
GP: No, poorly. At first, he thought he'd just pulled a muscle. But it's got so bad that he hasn't been able to do his work properly. It's also been getting to the stage where the pain is waking him up at night. it's been so severe, and he's also noticed some tingling Iin his right foot. He's having difficulty in carrying on with his work. He's also lost three kilos and has become quite depressed. 
CONSULTANT: (4.) ________ anything similar (5.) _____ the past?
GP: No, not exactly, but he has suffered from intermittent pain in his back. Paracetamol gave some relief but didn't solve the problem completely.
CONSULTANT: Apart from (6.) _____ , any other problems (7.) ______ health in the past?
GP: No, perfectly OK.
CONSULTANT: Did (8.)______ find anything else (9.) _____ examination? 
GP: Yes, as well as the pain he has numbness in his toes on the right foot.

SURNAME: Jameson
AGE: 53
 OCCUPATION: carpenter

PRESENT COMPLAINT: acute backache referred down R sciatic nerve distribution. Began 6/52 ago and became more sever over past 2/52. Affecting work and waking him at night. Also c/o tingling in R foot. Wt loss 3 kg. depressed.

IMMEDIATE PAST HISTORY paracetamol helped a little with previous intermittent back pain.


  1. What's
  2. when did 
  3. Was
  4. Has he had 
  5. in 
  6. that 
  7. with
  8. you
  9. on
GP: Hello. Jim. I wonder If you could see a patient for me? 
CONSULTANT: Certainly. John. What's the story? 
GP: Well, it's a Mr Alan Jameson, a 53-year-old carpenter. He's been an infrequent attender in the past, but he came to see me this morning complaining of pain in his right leg and in his back. 
CONSULTANT: And when did this start? 
GP: Well, it came on about six weeks ago and It's become gradually more severe over the past couple of weeks. 
CONSULTANT: Was the pain localised? 
GP: No, poorly. At first, he thought he'd just pulled a muscle. But it's got so bad that he hasn't been able to do his work properly. It's also been getting to the stage where the pain is waking him up at night. it's been so severe, and he's also noticed some tingling in his right foot. He's having difficulty in carrying on with his work. He's also lost three kilos and has become quite depressed. 
CONSULTANT: Has he had anything similar in the past? 
GP: No, not exactly, but he has suffered from intermittent pain in back. Paracetamol gave some relief but didn't solve the problem completely, 
CONSULTANT: Apart from that, any other problems with health in the past? 
GP: No, perfectly OK. 
CONSULTANT: Did you find anything else on examination? 
GP: Yes, as well as the pain, he has numbness in his toes on the right foot.
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