CAE (Advanced Exam) Listening Test 3 Part 4

Part 4
You will hear five short extracts in which college students are talking about being a member of a club.

For questions 21- 25, choose from the list (A- H) what made each speaker decide to join the club.

A the advice of a friend
B seeing an advertisement
C wanting to meet people
D a desire to try something new
E hoping to learn a skill
F a need for exercise
G wishing to please someone else
H going along with a group decision

21 Speaker 1 _____
22 Speaker 2 _____
23 Speaker 3 _____
24 Speaker 4 _____
25 Speaker 5 _____

For questions 26-30, choose from the list (A- H) the main disadvantage of being a club member which each speaker mentions.

A the cost
B the regular commitment
C the attitude of other members
D the location
E the way it's organised
F the level of challenge
G the timing of sessions
H the lack of feedback on progress

26 Speaker 1 _____
27 Speaker 2 _____
28 Speaker 3 _____
29 Speaker 4 _____
30 Speaker 5 _____

CAE (Advanced Exam) Listening Test 3

Part 4
21 G  22 E  23 H  24 C  25 A

26 H 27 F  28 C  29 B  30 D

Look at task 1. For questions 21–25, choose from the list A–H what made each speaker decide to
join the club. Now look at task 2. For questions 26–30, choose from the list A–H the main
disadvantage of being a club member which each speaker mentions.
While you listen you must complete both tasks. In the exam, you have 45 seconds to look at Part 4.

Speaker one
You see clubs advertised on the college noticeboard, but joining one’s never appealed to me really.
On the whole, my friends are more into music and going out than joining stuff. I only really went
along to the salsa group to keep my boyfriend company. His sister back home had told him it was
great fun, but he didn’t fancy going alone. And I got quite a shock. I mean, it’s quite laidback the
way it’s organised; you don’t have to go every week or anything and everyone was really giving it
their all. I could’ve done with someone telling me how I was doing actually, because nobody
seemed worried about my mistakes. But I’ll certainly go again.

Speaker two
Lots of people at the drama club already had acting skills before coming to college, but I thought if I
joined, it’d be a chance to pick some up. I mean, it’s a nice group of people, the whole thing’s very
professionally organised, and they’re always giving me positive feedback at the rehearsal sessions,
but I haven’t made much progress. And I think it’s because I only get very small parts to play in our
productions. I think everyone needs to be given something to get their teeth into. I mean I don’t
mind the draughty hall and giving up two nights a week to it, but I want to feel I’m getting

Speaker three
People always say that you make new friends if you join a club, try something new. But for me it
was the other way round. With my mates it was a case of ‘we’re doing golf this term; are you up for
it or not?’ So I went along with the idea. I guess the exercise doesn’t do me any harm, but I do find
some of the people you meet there a bit superior. So what if I haven’t improved my handicap or
whatever it’s called? Anyway, the course isn’t far from the college, fortunately, and it’s a stunning
location overlooking the sea, so I’m quite happy to do a round on my free afternoon – nice walk

Speaker four
At first, I couldn’t find anybody else interested in badminton, so I put an advert on the college
website. I’m not that skilled myself, but you can’t play on your own, and I thought a club would be a
way of getting in touch with like-minded students on other courses! I got a few replies, mostly
people looking for a new way of getting some exercise. Trouble is, they don’t all turn up that
regularly, so I feel kind of duty bound to be there to make sure there’s always a match. It’s a bit of a
drag week-in, week-out, and we pay to hire the court – it’s not much, but it’d be a shame to waste it.

Speaker five
I’d have done yoga if the sessions on campus had been at a more convenient time, but studying
medicine you have more commitments than students on some other courses. So when a doctor I
met at the hospital said they did Tai Chi at lunchtimes there, why didn’t I give it try, I thought ‘why
not?’ I have to pay, which wouldn’t be the case on campus, but that doesn’t matter, and I’ve met
new friends as well as getting some exercise. I just wish they’d run a session at the university, then
some of my friends might come along too. I’m going to put an announcement on the website to see
if anyone’s interested.

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