CAE (Advanced Exam) Listening Test 4 Part 4

Part 4
You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about falling asleep in a public place.

For questions 21- 25, choose from the list (A- H) the reason each speaker gives for falling asleep in the place they did.

A to keep someone company
B as a result of physical exertion
C to save money
D as preparation for physical activity
E to avoid inconveniencing others
F as a result of some treatment
G to avoid a long walk home
H to prove something to themselves

21 Speaker 1 _____
22 Speaker 2 _____
23 Speaker 3 _____
24 Speaker 4 _____
25 Speaker 5 _____

For questions 26-30, choose from the list (A- H) how each speaker felt afterwards.

A embarrassed by the situation
B aware of physical discomfort
C offended by the reactions of others
D pleased to have had some rest
E worried about the risk taken
F grateful for a way of passing the time
G happy to have followed local customs
H disgusted by the conditions

26 Speaker 1 _____
27 Speaker 2 _____
28 Speaker 3 _____
29 Speaker 4 _____
30 Speaker 5 _____

CAE (Advanced Exam) Listening Test 4

Part 4
21 C  22 F  23 B  24 D  25 G

26 F 27 B  28 H  29 C  30 G

Look at task 1. For questions 21–25, choose from the list A–H the reason each gives for falling
asleep in the place they did. Now look at task 2. For questions 26–30, choose from the list A–H how
each speaker felt afterwards.
While you listen you must complete both tasks. In the exam, you have 45 seconds to look at Part 4.

Speaker one
I'm not particularly keen on flying, so when I toured Australia with a friend, we ended up taking a lot
of long-distance trains. To keep within our tight budget, we'd catch night trains at unearthly hours to
avoid the expense of booking into hotels. So it was that we found ourselves dropping off to sleep at
a station in the outback waiting for the early-morning train to Sydney. Obviously I'd never have done
it if I'd been travelling alone, 'cos I'd have felt at risk, but it seemed a safe enough place – and very
clean. Anyway, there wasn't much going on there, so at least it made the night go quickly!

Speaker two
I was working on a global product launch for my company, with reps attending from all over the
world, so it had to run smoothly – quite stressful. Part of the event involved arranging corporate
hospitality, and one option was having a foot massage. After all my hard work I decided to have one
too, and then dozed off in the chair halfway through! Luckily, they let me sleep while they finished
the other guests! It should've been refreshing, but having slept sitting up I woke up with a stiff neck,
and the pain lasted several days. I must've been exhausted, though.

Speaker three
I was in a long-distance yacht race, a personal challenge for me. We'd sailed nine days non-stop,
all the time rushing around on deck, so as soon as we'd pulled into a harbour and moored up, we
were so desperately tired that we got our heads down right there on deck for some sleep. Bliss! But
we awoke later to the sight of a huge, smelly vessel moored up beside us, and we quickly realised
to our horror that our sleeping bags were damp from exposure to salt spray. It said something about
the state we were in that we were mistaken for the crew of the ship next door!

Speaker four
I'd just finished university and had gone to visit some old friends. I remember one evening we went
to see one of our favourite bands performing. I knew it'd be a long night of dancing and generally
being on my feet, but for some reason I was already flagging soon after we arrived, so I thought I'd
better take a rest. And I actually managed to fall asleep on top of one of the speakers; goodness
knows how! Anyway, I rather expected my friends would find it highly amusing but in fact they were
quite sniffy and a bit embarrassed; so I've decided they're just not my friends anymore.

Speaker five
My friends live out by quite a remote beach. Since we hadn't seen each other for ages, we sat on
the sands and talked until late. Then we lit a fire; and as the last bus had already left and we were
some distance from the nearest town, and no one could be bothered to move anyway, we just all
fell asleep right there. The next morning, they told me people living there often did that at
weekends, so I felt good that I'd had the chance to join in. It made me wish I could do the same
where I live; not very likely in my cold, wind-blown town, though.

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