IELTS Listening Intro 2

IELTS Listening Practice: Introduction Exercise 2

Now listen to Track 2 and answer questions 1-7.
Questions 1-7
Instructions: Answer the questions below. You may need a piece of paper and something to write with.

Exercise 2 - Woodland College


1. What time does the painting class meet? ______________ .
2. How much does the painting class cost? ______________ .
3. When does the next painting class start? ______________ .
4. What is the date of the last session? ______________ .
5. What is Ruby's surname? ______________ .
6. What is Ruby's postcode? ______________ .
7. What is Ruby's phone number? ______________ .

IELTS Listening Intro 2
1. 6.30 pm
2. £75
3. 11th April
4. 30th May
5. Byrne
6. GR52MQ
7. 07989 457015

RECEPTIONIST: Hello, Woodland College. How may I help? 
CALLER: Yes, hello. I was calling about your evening art classes. Could you tell me about your painting class?
RECEPTIONIST: Of course! The painting class meets on Thursdays at six-thirty p.m. There are a total of eight sessions, and the class costs seventy-five pounds.
CALLER: Is that seventy-five pounds per class, or seventy-five pounds total?
RECEPTIONIST: Oh, no. Seventy-five pounds is the total charge.
CALLER: Hmm. It's less than ten pounds per class. That's quite a good deal.
RECEPTIONIST: Indeed, it is. The painting class is very popular. (pause) In fact, the next painting class may already be full. Let me check for you.
CALLER: Thanks. (pause) So when is the next painting class?
RECEPTIONIST: The next class starts on the eleventh of April. And I'm happy to report, there are two places available.
CALLER: The eleventh of April. .. OK ... and the class is eight weeks, so it will continue into June?
RECEPTIONIST: Umm, no, actually, the final session is on the thirtieth of May.
CALLER: That's perfect. We're away on holiday in June, anyway. Can I sign up now?
RECEPTIONIST: Sure. May I take your name?
CALLER: It's Ruby Byrne.
CALLER: Yes, that's right.
RECEPTIONIST: And what's your address?
CALLER: It's number four, King Street, right here in Greenwood.
RECEPTIONIST: And the postcode?
RECEPTIONIST: And your phone number?
CALLER: Well, it's usually easiest to reach me on my mobile.
That's 07989 457015.
RECEPTIONIST: Was that 07989 457015?
CALLER: Yes, that's correct.

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