Monday Day 1 - Week 1



Now you are prepared to learn List A of the words for Week 1. Listen to the recording while reading the text and repeat after the speaker when you hear the sound. Tomorrow, listen to Tuesday Day 2 - Week 1.


1 / ə ˈb r ɔ d / → abroad (repeat)


adv. to or in another country

Synonym: overseas, internationally

Antonym: at home


Louis Armstrong often traveled abroad.

Living abroad can be an educational experience.



2 / ə ˈb r ʌ p t / → abrupt (repeat)



adj. quick, without warning

Synonym: sudden

Antonym: gradual

adv. abruptly n. abruptness


There was an abrupt change in the weather.

After the incident everyone left abruptly.



3 / æ k ˈs e p  t ə  b ə l /  acceptable (repeat)


adj. allowable or satisfactory

Synonym: permissible

Antonym: unacceptable

v. accept

adv. acceptably

n. acceptability

adj. accepting


The idea was acceptable to everyone.

The registrar accepted more applicants than he should have.




4 / ə ˈk l eɪ m /  acclaim (repeat)


n. enthusiastic approval, applause

adj. acclaimed

Synonym: praise

Antonym: scorn

n. acclamation


Isaac Stern has won acclaim abroad.

Acclaimed authors often win Pulitzer Prizes.




5 / ˈæ k  tʃ u  ə  l i / actually (repeat)


adv. being in existence, real or factual

adj. actual

Synonym: truly


They were actually very good soccer players.

The actual time allotted to complete the test is two hours.




6 / ˈæ d  v e r s /  adverse (repeat)


adj. displeasing, objectionable, or bad

adv. adversely

Synonym: unfavorable

Antonym: favorable

n. adversity

n. adversary


Adverse weather conditions made it difficult to play the game.

His indecision adversely affected his job performance.




7 / æ d ˈv aɪ s / advice (repeat)


n. a recommendation given by someone (not v. advise associated with the problem or situation)

Synonym: suggestion

adj. advisable n. advisability


Good advice is hard to find.

It is not advisable to stay up late the night before a test.




8 / ə ˈt r æ k  t ɪ v / attractive (repeat)


adj. calling attention to, pleasing, creating interest,

Synonym: appealing

Antonym:  unappealing

v. attract

n. attraction

n. attractiveness

adv. attractively


The idea of working four, 10-hour work days was attractive to the employees.

The major attraction of the show was a speech by the president.


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