PET Listening Test 3 Part 3



Part 3 Questions 14-19

For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.

You will hear a telephone message about a Business Studies course.

Business Studies Course

Course start date: (1). .

Course begins with: (2). about business

What students mustn't bring to class: (3). .

Visitors' car park: next to the: (4). .

Language classes available: Spanish and (5). .

Name of Business Studies secretary: Sonia (6) .

Test 3 Part 3
1. 12th of June / 12 June / June 12 / the 12th of June
2. video / film / films / videos
3. mobile phone / phone / mobile / mobile phones / phones / mobiles
4. entrance / main entrance / the main entrance
5. Italian
6. Ashleigh

Now turn to Part 3, questions 14-19.
You will hear a telephone message about a Business Studies course.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space. You now have 20
seconds to look at Part 3.
Now we are ready to start . Listen carefully. You will hear the recording twice.
Woman : Hello , this is Greenhill College. I'm leaving this message in answer to your enquiry about the Business Studies course. Firstly , you asked when the course starts. It begins on the 12th of June , and finishes four weeks later on the 7th of July. According to your letter, you're free at this time, so I hope those dates will be all right.
At the beginning of the course , there are no lectures because we spend time watching business videos . So you won't need to bring anything for the class, as everything is provided. Don't forget , however, that although you can bring your own laptop if you wish, mobile phones are not allowed in the classroom. I'm afraid these
can disturb the classes, so they've now been banned.
You said you're coming by car. Well, as it's only a short course , you can use the visitors' car park which is just beside the main entrance. We're only a short walk away. Just turn right after the science and technology centre, cross the staff car park, and you'll see the door to the Business Studies Department in front of you.
Finally, you also wanted to know if it's possible to attend a language course while you are here. Well, the answer is yes, but we only have room on our Italian classes . Oh, no actually ... there's one place on the Spanish course too. We usually offer French and Japanese as well, but there aren't enough students for those classes this summer.
So, I think that's all. But if you need to ask any further questions, please call Sonia Ashleigh - that's spelt A-S-H-L-E-I-G-H. She's the secretary in the Business Studies department, and she'll be happy to help. Thank you for your enquiry.

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