PET Listening Test 2 Part 1



Part 1 Questions 1-7

There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are three pictures and a short recording. Choose the correct picture.


Test 2 Part 1
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. B

There are seven questions in this part.
For each question there are three pictures and a shortrecording.
Choose the correct picture and put a tick in the box below it.
Before we start, here is an example.

Where did the man leave his camera?

Man: Oh no! I haven't got my camera!
Woman: But you used it just now to take a photograph of the fountain.
Man: Oh I remember, I put it down on the steps while I put my coat on.
Woman: Well, let's drive back quickly - it might still be there.

The first picture is correct so there is a tick in box A.

Look at the three pictures for Question 1 now.
Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear each recording twice.

1. Which sport will the woman learn on holiday?

Man: .. . So if you're interested in water sports, this hotel has two pools, diving boards, and its own private beach. You can learn to water ski there, and guests can windsurf too although the hotel advises beginners to take a few lessons before going out on their own.
Woman: Good. I'm quite a strong swimmer, and I have always wanted to try windsurfing , so that would suit me fine. I tried water skiing once, but I didn't like it.
Man: Well, I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay there then.
Woman: Good.

2. What does the girl's penfriend look like now?

Woman: Look at these photos of my penfriend and her family. I took them during the trip.
Man: So is she the one with long hair?
Woman: Oh, that's her sister. This is her, next to me. She looks a lot like her sister, though, doesn't she? And they used to have hair the same length, but hers has always been curly. It's a shame she had it cut, though - I think it looked better when it was long.

3. Which animals did the children see?

Woman: Well, the zoo was a bit disappointing . The children enjoyed feeding the horses and watching the monkeys and the birds, but they hoped to see lions and tigers , and there weren't any. Someone told us they don't have them there because the security isn't good enough, but I don't know if that's true.

4. Which TV programme is on first?

Woman: .. . and welcome to our Tuesday evening programmes. At 9.00 we'll have the first of our new programmes on sport, and today you can see live the final of the international tennis cup. But before that we have singer, Jane Shelley in concert. She will perform songs from her new CD. This will be followed by today's news from around the world .. .

5. What does the boy decide to buy for his grandmother?

Boy: My mum says I've got to buy my granny a present because she always gets me one when she goes on holiday. I thought I'd get her a black T-shirt .
Girl: Don't be silly , old ladies don't wear T-shirts . Why not get her some of the local perfume . It smells of roses, or one of those little wooden boxes - they're great for keeping earrings and stuff in.
Boy: That's a good idea. She does a lot of travelling, so she can use it to put her jewellery in.

6. What time is the man's appointment?

Woman: Hello. Appointments.
Man: Hello. Could I make an appointment to see Dr. Smith, next Tuesday please? Early evening, if possible - anything after 6 o'clock .
Woman: Well, we open at 6.15 on Tuesday evenings , and there's an appointment at 6.35 or 6.50.
Man: Thanks. I'll take the earlier one. My name's . . .

7. What has the woman lost?
Woman: Excuse me. I was sitting over there 10 minutes ago making a call on my mobile phone. I got a pen out of my bag to write something down and I think my purse fell out. I can't find it now. Has anyone handed it to you?

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