Wednesday Day 3 - Week 2


Now you are prepared to learn List B of the words for Week 2. Listen to the recording while reading the text and repeat after the speaker when you hear the sound. Tomorrow, listen to Thursday Day 4 - Week 2.



/ k ə n  ˈt e m  p r ə  r ɪ /   → contemporary    (repeat)

adj. modern, up-to-date; also a person living at thesame time as another person

Synonym: current

n. contemporary

Contemporary architecture makes very good use of space.

Cervantes was a contemporary of Shakespeare.



/ d ɪ  ˈs t r ɪ  b j uː t /    → distribute    (repeat)

v. to divide among people or to give out

Synonym: dispense

Antonym: retain

n. distribution

Many publishers distribute their newspapers directly to homes in their area.

The distribution of seeds is very quick with this new machine.



/ ɪ n  ˈk ʌ r  ɪ dʒ /    → encourage    (repeat)

v. to give courage or hope to someone

Synonym: inspire

Antonym: disencourage

n. encouragement

adj. encouraging - adv. encouragingly

Even though the runner finished second, he was encouraged by his performance.

His teacher gave him the encouragement that he needed to learn the material.



/ ˌe n  ə  ˈdʒ e  t ɪ k /    → energetic    (repeat)

adj. full of life, action, or power

Synonym: vigorous

Antonym: lethargic

n. energy

adv. energetically

Sam hasn't been as energetic as he usually is.

There's a lot of energy in these batteries.



/ f r eɪ l /   →  frail    (repeat)

adj. weak in health or in body

Synonym: fragile

Antonym: robust

The frail wings of the newborn bird could not lift it off the ground.

One of the frailties of human beings is laziness.



/ r ɪ  ˈf aɪ n /    → refine    (repeat)

v. to make pure, to improve

Synonym: perfect (v.)

Antonym: corrupt

n. refinement

adj. refined

Factories must refine oil before it can be used as fuel.

A squirt of lime juice is the perfect refinement to cola.



/ w ɜː θ  ˈw aɪ l /    → worthwhile   (repeat)

adj. value in doing something

Synonym: rewarding

Antonym: unworthy

It was worthwhile waiting 10 hours in line for the tickets.


It's worthwhile to prepare for the exam.

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