MEDICAL ENGLISH Listening Activity 4

Patient Interview Notes 3: Asking about systems

You will hear an extract from an Interview between a doctor and her patient. The patient is a 50-year-old office worker who has complained of feeling tired, lacking energy and not being herself. 

Part 1: Listen once and indicate whether the patient has a significant complaint or not by marking the appropriate column with a tick (x) for each system. 

Part 2: Listen again and number the order in which the information is obtained. The order starts with number one in the Order column for the GIS system.

No complaint
ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat)

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RS (Respiratory System)

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CVS (Cardiovascular system)

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GIS (Gastro-intestinal system)

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CNS (Central Nervous system)

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DOCTOR: Now, Mrs Brown, can you tell me, have you any trouble with your stomach or bowels?
PATIENT: Well, I sometimes get a bit of indigestion.
DOCTOR: I see, and could you tell me more about that?
PATIENT: Well, It only comes on if I have a hot ... something spicy, you know, like a curry.
DOCTOR: I see, well that's quite normal really. And what's your appetite like?
PATIENT: Not bad.
DOCTOR: And any problems with your waterworks?
PATIENT: No, they're, they're all right.
DOCTOR: And are you still having your periods regularly?
PATIENT: No. they stopped, must have been five years ago.
DOCTOR: Any pain in the chest, any palpitation, swelling of the ankles?
PATIENT: Not really, doctor.
DOCTOR: And what about coughs or wheezing or shortness of breath?
PATIENT: Only when I've got a cold.
DOCTOR: Have you noticed any weakness or tingling in your limbs?
PATIENT: No, no I can't say that I have, really.
DOCTOR: What sort of mood have you been in recently?
PATIENT: I've been feeling a bit down. You know, I'm not sleeping well.

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