How do I use ‘VirtuAule LISTEN!’?

VirtuAule English Language System has always emphasized proper pronunciation and can now offer its learners the opportunity to use the available technology to maximize this effort. Also, the practice of correct pronunciation is not usually a part of a language student’s homework. Until now, this task has usually been done in front of a teacher who can identify and correct the student’s errors in real time. The importance of the oral work that the learner can practice by themselves cannot be stressed enough.

The theoretical background of the VirtuAule English Language System is based on the work of the linguist Stephen Krashen. His studies on language learning led to the theory of what he called  ‘The Natural Approach’.

... language acquisition occurs in only one way: by understanding messages. We acquire language when we obtain comprehensible input, when we understand what we hear or read in another language. This means that acquisition is based primarily on what we hear and understand, not what we say. The goal, then, of ... language classes is to supply comprehensible input... When this happens, the acquirer can utilize the real world, as well as the classroom, for progress.

("The Natural Approach" by Stephan Krashen and Tracy Terrell - 1995 Prentice Hall)

Krashen claims that the most important element in learning another language is listening. The expressions that the student encounters in the VirtuAule English Language System become part of your natural expression by listening while reading and finally repeating. This work gives extremely fruitful results when the student remembers and uses similar expressions in a normal conversation.

 Language Acquisition: Stephen Crashen’s Formula


What is the relationship between VirtuAule English Language System and Stephan Krasner’s ‘The Natural Approach’ theory?

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