Wednesday Day 3 - Week 1



Now you are prepared to learn List B of the words for Week 1. Listen to the recording while reading the text and repeat after the speaker when you hear the sound. Tomorrow, listen to Thursday Day 4 - Week 1.



/ ɔː ˈt ɒ n  ə  m ə s /  → autonomous    (repeat)

adj. by itself, with no association

Synonym: independent

Antonym: dependent

adv. autonomously

Mexico became an autonomous state in 1817.

Although working closely with the government, all businesses function autonomously.



/ ˌd ɪ s  ə  ˈp r uː  v ə l /  → disapproval    (repeat)

n. the act of disagreeing, not giving approval

Synonym: objection

Antonym: approval

v. disapprove adv. disapprovingly

Their disapproval of the plan caused the experiment to be abandoned.

The students disapproved of the plan of study.



/ d ɪ s  ˈr ʌ p  t ɪ v /  → disruptive    (repeat)

adj. causing confusion and interruption

Synonym: disturbing

Antonym: quiet

v. disrupt

n. disruption adv. disruptively

Frequent questions during lectures can be disruptive.

The storm caused a disruption in bus service.



/ h æ p  ˈh æ z  ə r d  l i /  → haphazardly    (repeat)

adv. having no order or pattern, by chance

Synonym: arbitrarily, carelessly

Antonym: purposely

adj. haphazard

n. haphazardness

It was obvious that the house was built haphazardly.

Susan completed the assignment in a haphazard way.



/ aɪ  ˈd ɪə l /  → ideal    (repeat)

adj. having no flaw or mistake, excellent

Synonym: perfect

Antonym: imperfect

adv. ideally

n. ideal

The beach is an ideal place to relax.

Candidates for the job should ideally have five years experience in similar positions.



/ p ə ˈs ɪ s  t ə n t /  → persistent    (repeat)

adj. continuous, refusing to give up, firm in action or decision

Synonym: constant

Antonym: sporadic

v. persist

n. persistence

adv. persistently

The attorney's persistent questioning weakened the witness.

Her persistence earned her a spot on the team.



/ w aɪ d /  → wide    (repeat)

adj. extending over a large area

Synonym: broad

Antonym: narrow

adv. widely

n. wideness

Pine forests are found over a wide area of the Pacific Northwest.

The senator has traveled widely.




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