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Top Course Unit 187

Presentations: The Top Course Unit 187

Listen to the recordings to practice this study group.
Repeat each line after the speaker.
Practice one group at a time.
Start with Part A Slow reading then Part A Normal speed. Then go on to Part B.

Unit 187 Part A

 1 Well, there was very definitely a reaction against some of the earlier concerns –
 2 for example the pre- Raphaelites didn't believe in the idea …
 3 that it was important to be true to nature or realistic .
 4 So, in other words the very opposite of realism –
 5 no practical lessons for modern industrial societies or whatever.
 6 In fact his wife later said it was his most distinctive work;
 7 the one that really summed up what he thought.
 8 It's called King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid,
 9 and it's based on an old legend from early medieval times …
10 about a king who falls in love with a beggar girl,
11 and finds that his love for her is greater than all his wealth and power.
12 Most people knew it well, but only through reading Tennyson's poetry,
13 in which he wrote about it, rather than from the original story.

Unit 187 Part B

14 So it's another example of what we were talking about earlier –
15 the link between the romantic movement in literature and the movements in art.
16 In the painting, the artist imagines the King sitting at the girl's feet, gazing at her in adoration.
17 The setting has echoes of 15th century Italian art, particularly Mantegna and Crivelli,
18 and it's all elaborately decorated with highly wrought textures and jewel-like colours.
19 If you look at the clothing you can see what I mean.
20 The two characters in the background have got these rich flowing clothes,
21 and there's the same richness in the King's flowing cloak.
22 The flowers are a symbol of unrequited love,
23 and there's a lot of personal feeling in this painting, as there is in much of his work.
24 To the general public it would have had a completely different meaning,
25 which they would have recognised quite easily.



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