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VirtuAule ENGLISH LANGUAGE SYSTEM provides online English language solutions through its specially trained mother-tongue trainers. 

VirtuAule was established in 2007 in Rome, Italy but operates in all of the world. Our one-to-one services have helped both private and corporate students to make efficient and speedy progress with their English language learning.


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Top Course Unit 182

Presentations: The Top Course Unit 182

Listen to the recordings to practice this study group.
Repeat each line after the speaker.
Practice one group at a time.
Start with Part A Slow reading then Part A Normal speed. Then go on to Part B.

Unit 182 Part A

 1 In seven and a half million years it had been well looked after …
 2 and cleaned regularly every century or so.
 3 The ultramahogany desk was worn at the edges, the carpet a little faded now ...
 4 but the large computer terminal sat in sparkling glory on the desk's leather top ...
 5 as bright as if it had been constructed yesterday.
 6 Two severely-dressed men sat respectfully before the terminal and waited.
 7 Seventy thousand generations ago, our ancestors set this program in motion ..
 8 and in all that time we will be the first to hear the computer speak.
 9 Both of the men had been trained for this moment, their lives had been a preparation for it.
10 They had been selected at birth as those who would witness the answer ...
11 but even so they found themselves gasping and squirming like excited children.
12 I checked it very thoroughly, and that quite definitely is the answer.
13 I think the problem, to be quite honest with you, …
14 is that you've never actually known what the question is.

Unit 182 Part B


15 I saw the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together.
16 I saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched out, then, …
17 on the working of some powerful engine, show signs of life.
18 His success would terrify the artist; he would rush away ... hope that ...this thing ...
19 would subside into dead matter ... he opens his eyes;
20 behold the horrid thing stands at his bedside, opening his curtains.
21 When Mary was only twenty-four her husband drowned, leaving her alone with a two year old son.
22 For her remaining twenty-nine years she lived in England …
23  which she despised because of the morality and social system.
24 She was shunned by conventional circles …
25 and worked as a professional writer to support her father and her son.

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