CAE (Advanced Exam) Listening Test 2 Part 4

Part 4
You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about a four-day hiking trip to a remote historical site in the mountains.

For questions 21- 25, choose from the list (A- H) the reason each speaker gives for going on the trip.

A to fulfil a long-held ambition
B to keep someone company
C to set a personal challenge
D to celebrate something
E to prove someone wrong
F to complete a set of experiences
G to follow someone's example
H to meet like-minded people

21 Speaker 1 _____
22 Speaker 2 _____
23 Speaker 3 _____
24 Speaker 4 _____
25 Speaker 5 _____

For questions 26-30, choose from the list (A- H) the aspect of the trip each speaker found most memorable.

A the impressive architecture
B the view from the site
C the support of companions
D the historical notes
E the route taken
F the overnight accommodation
G the food provided
H the attitude of the guide

26 Speaker 1 _____
27 Speaker 2 _____
28 Speaker 3 _____
29 Speaker 4 _____
30 Speaker 5 _____




Speaker 1: Listen to what he says about his wife. It helps with Task One.
Speaker 2: When she says 'what made it for me', what is she referring to? This helps with Task Two.
Speaker 3: When he says ยท1 went along for her sake'. what does he mean?
Speaker 4: Listen to the beginning of what she says. It helps with Task Two.
Speaker 5: When he says 'I'll never forget' .. ., what is he referring to?

CAE (Advanced Exam) Listening Test 2

Part 4
21ย Eย ย 22ย Dย ย 23ย Bย ย 24ย Gย ย 25ย C

26ย Cย 27 Aย  28 Bย  29 Eย  30 G

Look at task 1. For questions 21โ€“25, choose from the list Aโ€“H the reason each speaker gives for
going on the trip. Now look at task 2. For questions 26โ€“30, choose from the list Aโ€“H the aspect of
the trip each speaker found most memorable.
While you listen you must complete both tasks. In the exam, you have 45 seconds to look at Part 4.

Speaker one
Thereโ€™s a group of fifteen of you, plus the guide, and itโ€™s a four-day hike to the site. The routeโ€™s
lovely, if a bit steep in places. For some people it was like a childhood dream come true, especially
arriving at the site and taking in the views and the architecture. But some found the hike much more
challenging than others, especially the rather basic hostels where you stay the night. When Iโ€™d first
suggested going, my wife said Iโ€™d never make it, which only made me more determined actually.
For me, the highpoint was how friendly the others were because I hadnโ€™t expected that; nobody
seemed to mind waiting for me to catch up.

Speaker two
I was surprised you have to go in a group, and worried Iโ€™d be with the sort of people who just tick
these sites off a list of tourist attractions. I couldnโ€™t have been more wrong. Theyโ€™d all read up their
history and the guide was there to fill in any gaps. I mean, the view from the topโ€™s out of this world,
but that wasnโ€™t what made it for me. It was the actual design of the place. However did they build it
right up there? As a graduation gift, it was a lovely way of marking the achievement. I just wish my
grandfather couldโ€™ve come too because heโ€™s always dreamt of going.

Speaker three
I knew it was a wonderful site and quite understood why my girlfriend wanted to go, and though it
wouldnโ€™t have been my first choice โ€“ too touristy โ€“ I went along with the idea for her sake. But I was
wrong. The routeโ€™s actually quite challenging at that altitude, and we made some great friends in
the group, even quite enjoyed the camp-fire style meals. The guide was very knowledgeable, and
people had loads of questions, perhaps because the historical notes we were given left quite a lot
to be desired. What blew me away, though, was looking out from the low walls of the site over the
mountains. It was an awesome experience.

Speaker four
I donโ€™t know why, but I hadnโ€™t expected the actual walk up to the site to be so impressive. I mean,
itโ€™s all there in the notes, but I never read stuff beforehand. Anyway, it was an unforgettable
experience. Our guide was a real character, but you could see he was fed up with some of the
group. Like me, theyโ€™d mostly seen that chap on TV at the site and decided to go too. Theyโ€™ll
probably go to all the places he went to โ€“ just to say theyโ€™ve done it. I wonโ€™t be joining them!
Although the site is impressive, Iโ€™d seen that on the programme so it made less of an impression on
me somehow.

Speaker five
Iโ€™d been out of action for a while with a knee injury, so I was looking to do a bit of serious walking to
see what I was capable of. Iโ€™d heard that itโ€™s quite a stiff climb, but that the guideโ€™s there to lend a
hand if you get into difficulties. My girlfriend came along to keep me company and, though no great
walker herself, had a great time. Iโ€™ll never forget the meal the night before the final ascent. As usual,
the guide made a brilliant job of that. My girlfriend found the view from the site wonderful, the
architecture stunning but I never saw it because my knee finally gave out that last morning. Shame

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