Middle Course

Middle Course

Completion of forty lessons (40 hours) in four parts takes the student from Common European Framework B1+ to the threshold of C1.

Middle Course Units 81-90 10 hours
Middle Course Units 91-100 10 hours
Middle Course Units 101-110 10 hours
Middle Course Units 111-120

10 hours

Functions to be learned include:

- understanding language while travelling
- expressing topics pertinent to everyday life on both concrete and abstract topics
- understanding and giving advice to clients within one's job area on simple matters including technical discussions
- understanding instructions on classes and assignments given by a teacher or lecturer
- interacting with a degree of fluency and spontaneity with native speakers
- being able to give a short talk on a familiar topic
- directions and explanations about how to perform a routine task related to one’s job
- giving presentations on a familiar topic being able to answer predictable or factual questions
- fluent, accurate and effective language use on a wide range of topics
- communicating with good grammatical control
- level of formality appropriate to the circumstances

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